Sunday 21 October 2012

Caverns Of Ganymede

Based upon the same generative framework as Oceans Of Europa, this is a very much more complex composition. It is only 10 minutes long because beyond that, without some considerable enhancements to Sonic Field, my computer runs out of memory!

The generative framework is slow enough in this piece to create a single theme which moves through the entire composition as a single piece. The sounds are a combination of string type effects, bells (using FM synthesis - see Bells Of Time) and simple oscillator effects. It is the use of resonance synthesis which gives the sounds complexity.

This piece employs some of the multi-dimensional stereo effects I first had real success with in Parted. Not only does it use left/center/right and Haas method to give left/right position and width but it uses carefully placed early reflections and long running reverberation to open out the sound stage infront and behind the listener.

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